District of Oak Bay Biannual VP Election October 19 – Nominees Announced

RE: Elections Thursday, October 19th, 2023

October 11, 2023

Dear Members,

Nominations have been accepted by 3 members for the position of Oak Bay Unit Vice President.
The candidates are:
Tim Roberts    Parks
Adam Major    Public Works
Simon Vickers   Recreation (Tennis)
We will conduct the votes on Thursday, October 19th. We will be on site from 10am to 2pm with 2 voting stations for the duration of the time. Please bring some ID (i.e. DL, credit or debit card, work I.D.)

Oak Bay Rec Centre (Discovery Room):  10am to 2pm
City Hall:                  10am to 2pm

Thank you.

In Solidarity,

Shaun Bradley

Colwood Vice President
CUPE Local 374


District of Oak Bay Biannual VP Election – Nominations Open

RE: Elections 

September 29, 2023 

Dear Members, 

It is time for The District of Oak Bay’s bi-annual VP Election. 

Please email your nominations to colwoodvp@shaw.ca stating “Oak Bay VP Nomination” in the subject line. Please add the member that you are nominating to the email so that they will have a chance to stand/accept the nomination. 

Nominations will be open until Wednesday, October 11th. If there is more than one (1) nominee, we will arrange a voting process to select the seat via live polls which will happen on October 19th, 2023. Location to be determined. If you are not already receiving email updates from the Local, please subscribe at www.cupe374.ca to receive them. 

If you have any questions regarding any of the above, please contact Shaun Bradley – Colwood VP colwoodvp@shaw.ca who is helping conduct this coming election. 

In Solidarity, 

Shaun Bradley
Colwood VP, CUPE Local 374

2023_09_29 District of Oak Bay Biannual VP Election Nominations Open

Notice of Annual General Meeting Weds November 15

RE: November 15th Annual General Meeting

September 25, 2023

Dear Members,

This is a reminder that we will have our annual general membership meeting Wednesday, November 15th @ 7pm via Zoom.

Highlights of Meeting Agenda:

  • Elections for the following positions:
    ➢ Recording Secretary – 3 Year Term (ending Fall 2026)
    ➢ Trustee – 3 Year Term (ending Fall 2026)

Please register here to attend. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email.

If you have any questions, please contact your Unit VP.
Thank you.

In Solidarity,

Sarah Monaghan-Covacic
Treasurer, CUPE Local 374


Member Focus: Sarah Fairbrass

Member Focus is an ongoing series helping members learn more about each other across roles and work sites.
Sarah Fairbrass serves on the 374 Executive as our Unit VP for North Saanich, where she works in Administration.
How long were you/have you been a member of CUPE? In what roles?

I became a CUPE member in 1999. I quickly found my place in the union as a Union Counsellor and soaked up the educational opportunities CUPE provided. Within months I found myself sitting on several committees within my local, became a delegate to the CUPE Vancouver Island District Council, and joined their OH&S committee.

I can’t begin to name the courses I have taken. I have been a Shop Steward, a Local Vice President, a national facilitator, an Ombudsperson, chaired the District Council OH&S and Anti-Poverty committees and have been Vice President of the Council for approximately 12 years.

Sarah has been involved with CUPE for nearly 25 years, and has volunteered countless hours in roles including Shop Steward, VIDC Committee chair, Ombudsperson and national facilitator.
“Get involved with your union, give back and be all you can be in all aspects of your life. Also, remember you are a public employee and provide the best customer service you can.”
Tell us about your life outside of work.

Outside of work my life is mostly about furry friends, crocheting and gardening. I have a lovely 11-year-old dog named Nella who I adore, and we enjoy community pack walks and training together. I am a ROAM volunteer, assisting in searching for lost pets and a rescue fosterer. I also volunteer for various rescue dog fundraisers. My garden brings me immense joy and relaxation, and when I’m not out and about, I crochet Kitten blankets for a project called Knittins’ for Kittens as well as creating hats for the homeless.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

I consider my greatest achievement (union wise) the respect and friendship I have with my membership and my fellow Local board members. We truly all work together to provide the best representation for our members we can and have developed very special friendships.

Sarah is passionate about animals and volunteers for several animal welfare-related causes.
What advice do you have for those who are new to the workforce?

My advice to new workers is educate yourself, move through the ranks and never forget where you started out. Get involved with your union, give back and be all you can be in all aspects of your life. Also, remember you are a public employee and provide the best customer service you can.

Lastly, in life, be kind to every kind.

Previous Member Profiles:

Member Focus: Stacy Chappel

Member Focus is an ongoing series helping members learn more about each other across roles and work sites.
Member Stacy Chappel serves on the 374 Executive as our Unit VP for BC Healthy Communities, where she works as their Grants & Engagement Coordinator.
How long were you/have you been a member of CUPE? In what roles?

I’ve been a member of CUPE since starting at BC Healthy Communities in 2021. I served on the bargaining committee and then took on the role of shop steward and VP. I have been a Steelworker (at Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group) and worked with CUPE Teaching Assistants while at the UVIC Graduate Students’ Society.

Previously a member of Steelworkers, Stacy has served as a shop steward with CUPE Local 374 since 2021, becoming the Unit VP in 2022.
“…Read the rules! Whether it is your collective agreement, the employment standards act, or non-profit bylaws, always go to the source to figure out how to approach a problem before committing to a plan of action.”
Tell us about your life outside of work.

I live with my husband who is a researcher and son who is a university student. I am enjoy fencing, cycling and sewing. I enjoy board games and dabble in painting as well. I volunteer on the board of my fencing club and the Gordon Head Refugee Sponsorship Group.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My greatest work satisfaction has been when working together with others to achieve something. This might be for individual students who were facing difficulties, or to change policies that would improve things in years to come.

What advice do you have for those who are new to the workforce?

Years of advocating for students, for myself as a tenant, supporting refugees, and now as shop steward taught me to read the rules! Whether it is your collective agreement, the employment standards act, or non-profit bylaws, always go to the source to figure out how to approach a problem before committing to a plan of action.

Previous Member Profiles:

Congratulations to our 2023 CUPE 374 Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to the four recipients of our 2023 CUPE 374 Scholarships, whose names were drawn at our General Meeting on June 14:

  • Mia Penney (Don Penney, Member, North Saanich)

  • Tija Dalep (Stacey Dalep, Member, Sooke)

  • Kennedy Cox (Rick Smith, Member, Colwood)

  • Brock Gill (Leanne Gill, Member, Sidney)

Each year, CUPE 374 awards 4 scholarships to dependents of members through our scholarship program. Recipients receive $500 to be used towards their studies. Thank you to everyone who applied this year!

Member Focus: Shaun Bradley

Member Focus is an ongoing series helping members learn more about each other across roles and work sites.
Member Shaun Bradley serves on the 374 Executive as our Unit VP for Colwood, and works for the municipality in the Administration Department.
How long were you/have you been a member of CUPE? In what roles?

I have been a CUPE member for 10years in August 2023. I started off in the City of Colwood in the Parks Department and worked in the parks for 7 years. I then became Operations assistant and now am the Occupational Health and Safety Advisor.

Shaun was also recently appointed as a Worker Representative to the board of the BC Municipal Safety Association.
“I never would have known how much I care about Labour Relations if I didn’t put my hand up to become a shop steward.”
Tell us about your life outside of work.

I live in Saanich—I love camping with my wife and 2 boys. We spend a good portion of our time watching our children perform for us in the hockey rink and the lacrosse box.
We are very active and we look forward to any opportunity for an adventure. We love spending time with our friends and local church community. My ideal vacation would include snowboarding, mountain biking, surfing and reading.

What advice do you have for those who are new to the workforce?

Get involved—there is so much opportunity—I never would have known how much I care about Labour Relations if I didn’t put my hand up to become a shop steward. There are so many opportunities waiting for you by saying yes.

Previous Member Profiles:

Remembering Member Steve Seekins

In the days since Steve’s death, we have been struggling with what to say about this terrible and shocking loss of a cherished member of our Local and our community.

It’s painful to think that less than a month before we lost Steve, we gathered at the legislature with CUPE members from across the province to mark the Day of Mourning for those killed and injured because of their job. Everyone who leaves for work in the morning should be able to expect to return safely to their loved ones at the end of the day.

We grieve the loss of Steve as part of our CUPE 374 family, and we mourn for the immense and ongoing loss that his young family must now endure.

Thank you to all our union sisters, brothers and friends who have stepped forward to support Steve’s family in various ways in the past two weeks. Local 374 continues to accept contributions to support the Seekins Family; if you would like to give, you can send an etransfer to treasurer@cupe374.ca.

A Celebration of Life will be held on Tuesday, May 30 at 4pm at Dave Dunnet Theatre, Oak Bay High School.

Update on donations to the Seekins Family

We know that many people want to help the Seekins family during this difficult time and have been inquiring about how that can be done. In honor of Steve’s memory, CUPE Local 374 has set up an account that donations can be made to at the Community Savings Credit Union.

All funds contributed will go directly to the Seekins family and will help make a meaningful difference in honouring Steve’s life.

If you’d like to donate you can either:

  1. Send a direct deposit (email president@cupe374.ca for form) to Community Savings Credit Union.
  2. Send an e-transfer to treasurer@cupe374.ca and those funds will be added to the account.

The Local thanks everyone in all the units that has reached out to offer their support and condolences. We will share details on the funds as the account grows. Our goal is to be able to assist his family over the next year plus without having to worry about money on top of this tragic loss.



Shireen Clark | President, CUPE Local 374

Notice of Trustee Vacancy

RE: Trustee Vacancy

April 18, 2023

Dear Members,

We have recently had a vacancy in one of our Trustee Positions. There is two and a half (2 ½) years left on the term and the Local needs to complete an audit before the Fall General Meeting.

We are calling for nominations from all units. Any member is eligible. The audit will take place before the end of August, usually over two (2) days. You will be booked-off of work for the time.

Duties of a Trustee:

  • The Trustees shall act as an auditing committee on behalf of the members and audit the books and accounts of the Treasurer and Recording Secretary, and the Committees at least once every calendar year.
  • Make a written report of their findings to the first membership meeting following the completion of each audit.
  • Be responsible to ensure that monies have not been paid out without proper constitutional or membership authorization.
  • Ensure that proper financial reports have been given to the membership.

Please send all nominations to admin@cupe374.ca with the subject line “Trustee Nomination”. Please include name, employer and contact for member. If you are interested in filling the position, please have another member nominate you. Nominations will remain open until May 10th, 2023.

If you have any questions, please direct them through your unit VP.

Thank you.

In Solidarity,

Shireen Clark

President, CUPE Local 374

Notice of Trustee Vacancy April 18 2023