Executive Board
President | Shireen Clark | president@cupe374.ca |
Treasurer | Sarah Monaghan-Covacic | treasurer@cupe374.ca |
Recording Secretary | Rachel | recordingsecretary@cupe374.ca |
Abilities Community Services Vice President | David Smith | abilitiesvp@cupe374.ca |
BC Healthy Communities Vice President | Monica DeVidi | bchcvp@cupe374.ca |
Colwood Vice President | Shaun Bradley | colwoodvp@cupe374.ca |
Esquimalt Vice President | Steve Migliarese | rxttxrdxm@gmail.com |
Metchosin Vice President | Jennifer Miller | metchosinvp@cupe374.ca |
North Saanich Vice President | Dan Oshanek | northsaanichvp@cupe374.ca |
Oak Bay Vice President | Simon Vickers | oakbayunitvp@cupe374.ca |
Sidney Vice President | Ron Green | rgreen@sidney.ca |
Sooke Vice President | Andrew McNeill | sookevp@cupe374.ca |
Together Against Poverty Society Vice President | Gillian Gaffney | tapsvp@cupe374.ca |
CUPE 374 Officer Position Descriptions
All signing Officers of Local 374 shall be bonded through the master bond held by CUPE National. Any Officer who cannot qualify for the bond shall be disqualified from having signing authority.
Our bylaws set out the rules for how our local democratically elects our representatives, and how it is run.
Download here:
374 Bylaws 2024 – Currently Approved by CUPE National
Job Evaluation Program
Oak Bay (pending)
North Saanich