I became a CUPE member in 1999. I quickly found my place in the union as a Union Counsellor and soaked up the educational opportunities CUPE provided. Within months I found myself sitting on several committees within my local, became a delegate to the CUPE Vancouver Island District Council, and joined their OH&S committee.
I can’t begin to name the courses I have taken. I have been a Shop Steward, a Local Vice President, a national facilitator, an Ombudsperson, chaired the District Council OH&S and Anti-Poverty committees and have been Vice President of the Council for approximately 12 years.

Outside of work my life is mostly about furry friends, crocheting and gardening. I have a lovely 11-year-old dog named Nella who I adore, and we enjoy community pack walks and training together. I am a ROAM volunteer, assisting in searching for lost pets and a rescue fosterer. I also volunteer for various rescue dog fundraisers. My garden brings me immense joy and relaxation, and when I’m not out and about, I crochet Kitten blankets for a project called Knittins’ for Kittens as well as creating hats for the homeless.
I consider my greatest achievement (union wise) the respect and friendship I have with my membership and my fellow Local board members. We truly all work together to provide the best representation for our members we can and have developed very special friendships.

My advice to new workers is educate yourself, move through the ranks and never forget where you started out. Get involved with your union, give back and be all you can be in all aspects of your life. Also, remember you are a public employee and provide the best customer service you can.
Lastly, in life, be kind to every kind.